Wednesday, February 5, 2014

DIY Cork Board Transformation

I love me some thrift shopping. Don't you?? I don't always find something- but when I do, I get really excited. Here in Utah we don't have Goodwill (at least we don't by me) so D.I. or Savers is the best option. I usually find more at D.I. though. 

While shopping there not too long ago, I found this pretty banged up cork board. I think I only paid $1 for it.
 I knew this little beauty had potential. It even had a hook on the back so I didn't have to put one on myself. I had all kinds of ideas for it. Here is the before: 

What I chose to do is take out the cork and cover it with fabric. I used hot glue to glue the fabric on it. If the cork board was in worse condition, I could have gotten some cork at Hobby Lobby to replace it. Just FYI incase you ever need to replace yours.

 I decided to keep the color since I had some cute fabric that perfectly patched. I sanded it up a bit to add a distressed/vintage look to it since it would match the fabric better. 

This literally took me only 10 minutes. I love finding things like this. How cute would this be in a little girls room with some pictures pinned to it?! 

Thanks for following along! Get craftin'! 

1 comment:

  1. How easy is this! Its amazing the things you can find at thrift stores and with a few extra minutes turn into something great! Love it!

    Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Which is passed through the blogosphere as a sort of welcome. It highlights up and coming bloggers and allows them to gain an audience that they may have not gotten without it. Something fun to do! You can find out more information on my blog and the questions I would like you to answer if you want to participate -!
    Have a great weekend!


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